themovieguru42's avatar


A Tree Sprite
25 Watchers74 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Film & Animation
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (26)
My Bio
Current Residence: CA
Favorite genre of music: Hair Metal, Classic Rock, 80s Pop
Favorite style of art: Comics and Animation
Favourite cartoon character: Wolverine, Hartigan, Bugs Bunny, Basil of Bakerstreet
Personal Quote: "Art is like morality, you have to draw the line somewhere"

Favourite Visual Artist
Frank Miller, Glenn Keane, Chuck Jones
Favourite Movies
School of Rock, Lion King, True Grit, Love Actually
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thones, Doctor Who, Arrested Development, 30 Rock
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, The Beatles, Eric Clapton
Favourite Books
Frankenstein, Harry Potter, ASoIaF
Favourite Writers
Douglas Adams, JK Rowling
Favourite Games
DDR, Guitar Hero, SSBB, LoZ, Fable, SSX3, The Logical Journey of the Zoominis, Amnesia
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, X-Box, Game Cube
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Flash, 3D Studio Max/Maya, Wacom Tablet, After Effects, Pencil/Sketchbooks
Other Interests
Developing Video Games, Animation, Movies, Clam Chowder
So this has been a slow art year, because it has been a big everything-else year.  I interned this semester at a big game studio, taken way too many classes and have started my own game design projects.  My art efforts, however limited, have actually been rewarded by selling t-shirts first on red bubble, then soon to be featured on! Tagged by :bladesfire: Now questions from me to you: 1. If you were a Disney Character who would you be? Dug 2. What is your favorite smell? Chimney Smoke in the fall 3. Can you do any cool tricks? I can catch m&m's in my mouth 4. Did you see any movies in theaters lately? I saw the new Sherl
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Summer 2011

0 min read
Just a brief update on my life and works.  This summer I'm interning at Nickelodeon Virtual Worlds two days a week.  It is a bit of a commute, but absolutely worth it!  I end up staying near the office over night to avoid so much driving.  I'm also working at the computer help desk at my school twice a week, which is cool.  In fact cold, because they have the air conditioner cranked all the time.  Beyond that, I'm continuing to work on my senior thesis, which is a big endeavor.  I'm trying to get a portfolio site up and running so I can print business cards.  I am also playing around with making a game and doing some freelance storyboard work
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0 min read
I was in Park City over the weekend, which was a pretty crazy experience.  This semester has been crazy as usual.  Unfortunately an online french class has been absorbing a lot of time I would rather use drawing, enjoying friendships, storyboarding, writing, cleaning, vomiting or choking. Anywho, I was tagged in a thing so I guess you get to hear about 10 things about me. - My thesis is going swimmingly, although developing three stories simultaneously is pretty frustrating - I entered an online Donkey Kong contest, and I can expect the new game to show up in the mail sometime this month. - I make awesome pancakes.  Seriously. - Game of
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Profile Comments 36

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Hey there super awesome person! Just wanted to thank you for the watch! I look forward to hanging out with you at Comic Con~ Oh and will you be coming to Fanime?

Hey! Since I chuckled so much at your Stannis and Melisandre drawing, I thought you might get a kick out of this:
Guess what? I tagged you. :icondignitylaughplz:
oh wai hallo der (guess who)
Ohai!! Nice to see you around!